You should be accustomed with fact that everything I present here is preliminary version and may change in the future. Also - if you have any additional ideas - feel free to drop me a comment.
Apothecary - Apprentice, Charlatan, Physician, Student
Apprentice - Alchemist, Sorcerer, Physician, Charlatan, Craftsman
Beggar - Cutthroat, Spy, Thief, Mugger, Rat Catcher,
Boatman - Outlaw, Smuggler, Mate
Bodyguard - Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Mugger
Bounty Hunter - Slaver, Assassin, Witch Hunter, Outlaw Leader, Brigand
Butcher - Executioner, Trader, Peddler
Coachman - Scout, Roadwarden, Outlaw
Cutthroat - Assassin, Bodyguard, Racketeer, Thief
Dustman - Militiaman, Mugger, Bodyguard
Entertainer - Thief, Spy, Troubadour, Student, Instigator
Fisherman - Outlaw, Sailor, Peddler
Gatekeeper - Watchman, Militiaman, Mugger, Soldier
Gladiator - Landsknecht, Outlaw Leader, Duelist
Gravedigger - Mugger, Laborer, Militiaman, Jailer, Grave Robber
Grave Robber - Student, Apprentice (Alchemist, Sorcerer), Cutthroat, Mugger
Guardsman - Lookout, Mercenary, Soldier, Outlaw
Herbalist - Apprentice, Apothecary, Charlatan, Instigator
Herder - Outlaw, Scout, Rustler
Huntsman - Archer, Mercenary, Scout
Instigator - Charlatan, Demagogue,
Jailer - Supervisor, Executioner, Slaver, Gravedigger, Rat Catcher
Laborer - Supervisor, Engineer, Bodyguard, Mugger
Mercenary - Soldier, Landsknecht, Mercenary Officer
Militiaman - Jailer, Cutthroat, Supervisor, Lookout, Watchman
Monk - Priest, Instigator, Herbalist
Mugger - Cutthroat, Beggar, Entertainer, Bodyguard
Noble - Squire, Accountant, Fencer, Student
Outlaw - Outlaw Leader, Slaver, Huntsman, Brigand
Pander - Fencer, Mugger, Bodyguard
Peddler - Trader, Laborer, Outlaw, Rustler
Raconteur - Charlatan, Demagogue, Pander
Rat Catcher - Dustman, Gravedigger, Grave Robber, Beggar
Roadwarden - Outlaw, Mercenary, Militiaman, Scout
Runner - Roadwarden, Militiaman, Scout
Rustler - Outlaw, Peddler, Coachman
Sailor - Mate, Smuggler, Mercenary, Soldier, Slaver
Scribe - Forger, Apprentice, Scholar, Accountant, Monk
Seer - Charlatan, Instigator, Monk
Servant - Thief, Supervisor, Coachman, Laborer, Seneschal
Smuggler - Boatman, Sailor, Trader
Soldier - Outlaw, Officer, Mercenary, Gunner, Gladiator
Squire - Knight, Raubritter, Mercenary, Brigand
Student - Apprentice, Instigator, Scholar, Accountant, Scribe
Tax Collector - Accountant, Trader, Thief, Outlaw
Thief - Charlatan, Spy, Forger
Toll-keeper - Militiaman, Lookout, Tax Collector, Outlaw, Thief
Trader - Accountant, Merchant, Thief
Trapper - Huntsman, Scout, Outlaw,
Troubadour - Minstrel, Fencer, Instigator
Watchman - Lookout, Mercenary, Officer
Woodsman - Scout, Lookout, Outlaw
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